The efficacy of the EGCMethodWe have been researching the efficacy of the EGCMethod with clients since 2017. Our results have demonstrated the effectiveness of equine assisted therapeutic coaching employing with this method. Our studies have included invididuals from all walks of life and covered all types of sessions from light, reflective awarness to trauma recovery.
- I am feeling more hopeful about my future now at the conclusion of today’s session than I did at its beginning.
- 73% Strongly Agree | 23% Agree
- 3% Netutral | 1% Disagree
Feeling Better
- I am feeling better about myself now at the conclusion of today’s Equine Gestalt Coaching Session than I did at its beginning.
- 71% Strongly Agree | 22% Agree
- 7% Netutral
Quality of Service
- I received a high-quality of service from the Equine Gestalt Coach
- 87% Strongly Agree | 12% Agree
- 1% Netutral
Come Back
- I would definitely particpate in this coaching program again.
- 87% Strongly Agree | 9% Agree
- 3% Netutral | 1% Disagree
STUDY TITLE: Quantifying Outcomes of the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method in 2018 on Multiple, Diverse Populations
BACKGROUND & STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed by Melisa Pearce in 1989. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory journey. The integrative approach of the equine-coach partnership and Gestalt methodology assists the client in their healing process. This research project is designed to demonstrate the efficacy of the Method on multiple, diverse populations.
STUDY AIM & OBJECTIVES/DURATION OF STUDY: Our twelve month long study (2018) currently in process, examines the relationship between the EGC Method and the feelings/emotions of our clients, clients’ perception of the quality of services received and clients’ continuing interest in participation in the Method.
STUDY DESIGN/DATA COLLECTION METHOD: Data is being collected at the conclusion of each EGCM session by six EGCM certified coaching practitioners, all who serve differing populations, using a Likert Item survey that represents each client’s scaled responses to four questions.
STUDY POPULATION & SAMPLING: The demographics of the populations being studied include addiction and recovery clients, youth in crisis, attorneys and members of the legal profession, pre-teens, teens and family members, Dentists and Small Business Owners. All surveys collected are being included in the data analysis.
DATA ANALYSIS/OUTCOME/RESULTS: A frequency analysis of the sample data is identifying the statistical Mode (most repeated response) for each Likert Item question on the survey. Data from each individual population surveyed is being analyzed separately then combined and subjected to a summary analysis. The study will continue through the end of the year. At that time, the results of the final summary analysis will be reported via descriptive statistics.
Submitted By:
Jaclyn S. Manzione, M.S., EGCM Certified Practitioner, Lead Analyst
- Thomas Manzione, Ph.D., LPC, Analyst
This video with EGCMethod founder Melisa Pearce, explains the initial study conducted at the Xanthus Center in 2017.
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Boulder, Colorado
+1 720 323 6010